Remote Well Site Monitoring with AFTI’s Watchdog application enables your company to run a virtual well site visit from your phone.
Operating a mature, proven well provides steady and predictable returns. With unexpected equipment repairs, low production levels, and expensive leaks, those returns can quickly turn into a money pit. A Remote Well Site Monitoring application returns thousands of lost work hours back to operators and allows for growth without increased labour costs.
Consider this scenario that you may be all too familiar with: during a site inspection, you notice an injection well has sprung a leak. It’s been slowly leaking all day undetected. With WatchDog, this scenario would never occur.

Here’s how WatchDog can help you improve your oilfield operations by utilizing remote well site monitoring:
Maximize Production
People are the most valuable resource for any company. WatchDog allows your employees to put their expertise elsewhere by cutting down on wasted windshield time. By facilitating Virtual Well Site Visits, employees can save up to 80% of their time and instead, use it to investigate the wells with subpar production levels.
Reduce Equipment Failures
Discovering your well hasn’t been producing for hours or days is frustrating and costly. WatchDog is always on duty, watching over production and sending out alerts when anything out of the ordinary occurs. You’ll be connected to all your wells 24/7, so that should anything in your system fail, you will be alerted to exactly what went wrong and act quickly.
Reduce Environmental Incidents
The oil and gas industry is always looking for innovative ways to protect the environment. Virtual Well Site Visits allow you to be proactive and lead in environmental protection by reducing the amount of oil well leaks and the amount of time spent driving between sites. Ensure your business is committed to being a respectful advocate of the land and environment with WatchDog on duty!
WatchDog is the industry leader for low-cost oil well, tank, and pipeline monitoring. Our mission is to improve operational efficiencies by reducing equipment failures and potential environmental incidents, while allowing operators to maximize production without additional labour costs.
Make routine and costly well visits a thing of the past! If you’d like to discover why Watchdog is installed on almost 10,000 wells, let’s set up a call to start your 45-day risk-free trial.