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We have much to be thankful for this Holiday Season. Despite the global pandemic, our team worked hard and remained healthy while remote from our office for much of 2020. Others in Calgary have been less fortunate. That’s why this Holiday Season we thought it doubly important to give back. As we considered how and…
Big news. AFTI WatchDog is Canada’s leading solution for Virtual Wellsite Monitoring. We recently surpassed a major milestone. WatchDog now vigilantly monitors the production of 10,000 wells across Canada and counting… or approximately 1 of every 8 oil wells currently in production. “It was a long but ultimately satisfying road to where we are today,”…
How do Companies bring Shut-in Wells back on, without the Need to Rehire? For energy markets, the year 2020 started with a promising forecast of industry growth. But as we are all too painfully aware, it hasn’t quite worked out that way. April oil prices dropped below zero for the first time in history, at…
How to Balance Priorities as an Oil Well Operator or Pumper With The Virtual Well Site Visit. Have you heard of a VIRTUAL WELL SITE VISIT? We know as an oil and gas field operator or pumper, you know that keeping all wells producing at peak capacity is Job #1. Maintenance downtime and lost production can…
Remote Well Site Monitoring with AFTI’s Watchdog application enables your company to run a virtual well site visit from your phone. Operating a mature, proven well provides steady and predictable returns. With unexpected equipment repairs, low production levels, and expensive leaks, those returns can quickly turn into a money pit. A Remote Well Site Monitoring…
Get the latest on remote wellsite monitoring – plus other news from the WatchDog team.